A complete list containing such information as author, editor, chairperson,
and sponsoring organization is maintained by:
Photocopies of most back volumes can be ordered from the MTU Archives
at the prevailing copy rate. Some guidebooks were published separately by
the Minnesota Geological Survey (MGS), and Wisconsin Geological and
Natural History Survey (WGNHS), as indicated below; however, many are no
longer available.
- 1955 Minneapolis, Minnesota
Program and Abstracts
(contains no record of field trips)
- 1956 Houghton, Michigan
Program and Abstracts
Geological Exploration (inferred to be a field guide)
- 1957 East Lansing, Michigan
Program and Abstracts
- 1958 Duluth, Minnesota
Program and Abstracts
- 1959 Minneapolis, Minnesota
Program and Abstracts
- 1960 Madison, Wisconsin
Program and Abstracts
- 1961 Port Arthur, Ontario
Program and Abstracts (misprinted label reads 6th annual meeting)
- 1962 Houghton, Michigan
Program and Abstracts
- 1963 Duluth, Minnesota
Program and Abstracts
Field Itinerary: Stratigraphy of the Biwabik Iron Formation
- 1964 Ishpeming, Michigan
Program and Abstracts
Field Trip: Marquette iron-mining district and Republic trough
- 1965 St. Paul, Minnesota
Program and Abstracts
Field Trip Guide to the St. Cloud granite district, central Minnesota
- 1966 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
Program and Abstracts, includes field guides to:
- Regional geology of the Sault Ste. Marie area
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Manitouwadge Lake area, Ontario
- The relationship of mineralization to the Precambrian stratigraphy, Blind River area, Ontario
- Sudbury nickel irruptive tour, Ontario
- 1967 East Lansing, Michigan
Program and Abstracts
Field Trip: Grenville Province of southeastern Ontario, Bancroft-Madoc area
- 1968 Superior, Wisconsin
Technical Sessions and Abstracts
Guide for Field Trip in the Duluth Complex near Ely, Minnesota
- 1969 Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Technical Sessions and Abstracts
Guidebook: Central Wisconsin volcanic belt
- 1970 Thunder Bay, Ontario
Technical Sessions, Abstracts and Field Guides
Field trips:
- Proterozoic formations in the Thunder Bay area
- Sturgeon River metavolcanic-metasedimentary formations in the Beardmore-Geraldton area
- The Port Coldwell alkalic complex
- Geology of the Atikokan area (title not exact)
- 1971 Duluth, Minnesota
Technical Sessions, Abstracts and Field Guides
Field trips:
- North Shore Volcanic Group
- Precambrian rocks of northwestern Cook County as exposed along the Gunflint Trail
- Mesabi Range magnetite taconite
- Geology of the Vermilion metavolcanic-metasedimentary belt, northeastern Minnesota
- 1972 Houghton, Michigan
Part I. Technical Sessions-Agenda and Abstracts (describes trips A-D)
- Field Trips:
- Penokean Orogeny in the central and western Gogebic region, Wisconsin and Michigan
- Guide to Penokean deformation style and regional metamorphism at the western Marquette Range, Michigan
- 1973 Madison, Wisconsin
Technical Program and Abstracts*
Field Trip: Guidebook to the geology and mineral deposits of the central part of Jackson County and part of Clark County, Wisconsin (WGNHS)
Field Trip: Guidebook to the Precambrian geology of northeastern and north-central Wisconsin
Field Trip: Guidebook to the upper Mississippi Valley base-metal district (WGNHS Information circular No. 16)
Bibliography of Current Research in the Lake Superior Region
- 1974 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
Field Trip 1: Middle Keweenawan rocks of the Batchawana-Mamainse Point area
Field Trip 2: unknown
Field Trip 3: Precambrian igneous rocks of the north shore of Lake Huron region
Field Trip 4: Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Huronian Supergroup
Field Trip 5: The Michipicoten greenstone belt
Bibliography of Current Research in the Lake Superior Region (First Supplement)
- 1975 Marquette, Michigan
Includes the following field trip guides and a supplement by Burton Boyum containing color map of the Marquette Mineral District:
- Glacial geology (trip canceled, no guidebook)
- Greenstone
- The Jacobsville Sandstone: Evidence for a Lower-Middle Keweenawan age
- Marquette Iron Range
- The Empire Mine and Mill, Palmer, Michigan
- The Empire Mine and Mill, Palmer, Michigan (continued)
- 1976 St. Paul, Minnesota
Proceedings includes abstracts and guide to trip B
Field Trip A: Minnesota River Valley field conference (no formal guidebook was printed)
Field Trip B: Engineering and Pleistocene geology in the Twin Cities area
- 1977 Thunder Bay Ontario
Field Trip A: Geology of the Coldwell alkaline Complex
Field Trip B: Proterozoic rocks of the Thunder Bay area, northwestern Ontario ("Proterozoic Trip")
Field Trip C: Archean metallogeny and stratigraphy of the South
Sturgeon Lake area ("Mattabi Trip")
- 1978 Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Abstracts and Proceedings
Field Trip I: Southwestern Wisconsin zinc-lead district (WGNHS Field Trip Guide Book Number 1)
Field Trip II: Mineral extraction and processing equipment manufacturers in the Greater Milwaukee area (no guidebook)
Field Trip III: Precambrian rhyolite and granite inliers in south-central Wisconsin (WGNHS Field Trip Guide Book Number 2)
- 1979 Duluth, Minnesota
Technical Sessions and Abstracts Joint meeting with North-Central Section GSA.
Field Trip Guidebooks: some were published separately as MGS Guidebook
Series referenced below, the remainder are apparently unavailable. A total of
8 trips were listed in GSA proceedings:
- Middle Precambrian volcanic and plutonic rocks of northern Wisconsin
- Stratigraphy, structure and mineral resources of east-central Minnesota (MGS Field Trip Guidebook Series no. 9)
- Quaternary geology of the Duluth area
- Geology of the Mesabi Iron Range
- Geologic history and engineering geology of the western Lake Superior region
- Cambrian and Ordovician stratigraphy and paleontology of southeastern Minnesota
- Keweenawan (Upper Precambrian) North Shore Volcanic Group, Minnesota (MGS Field Trip Guidebook no. 11)
- Archean volcanism and sedimentation of the western Vermilion District, northeastern Minnesota (MGS Guidebook Series no. 10)
- 1980 Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Proceedings and Abstracts
Field Trip 1 Precambrian geology of the Chippewa Valley, Wisconsin
Field Trip 2 Precambrian tectonic history of the Black River Valley
Field Trip 3 Petrology, geochemistry, and contact relations of the Wausau and Stettin syenite plutons, Central Wisconsin
Field Trip 4 Precambrian geology and tectonics of Marathon County, Wisconsin
- 1981 East Lansing, Michigan
Abstracts and Proceedings
Field Excursion Guide--The Huronian rocks between Sault Ste. Marie and Thessalon, District of Algoma, Ontario
- 1982 International Falls, Minnesota
Proceedings: Abstracts and Field Trips: (in one volume)
Field Trip I--Mineral deposits of the Fort Frances-Mine Centre area, Ontario
Field Trip II--Archean geology of the International Falls-Kabetogama area, Minnesota
- 1983 Houghton, Michigan
Volume I: Abstracts and Field Trip--Ropes gold mine and its geological setting
Volume II: Field guide to the geology of the Keweenaw Peninsula
- 1984 Wausau, Wisconsin
Field Trip 1 Guide to the geology of the Early Proterozoic rocks in northeastern Wisconsin
Field Trip 2 Early Proterozoic tectonostratigraphic terranes of the southern Lake Superior region
Field Trip 3 The Wausau Syenite Complex
- 1985 Kenora, Ontario
Field Trip Guidebook
- The Cameron Lake Deposit
- Geologic setting and style of gold mineralization in the Lake of the Woods area
- Geological relationships in the vicinity of the Wabigoon-Winnipeg River subprovincial interface in the Kenora area
- A volcanic facies interpretation of the Berry River Formation
- Granitoid related mineralization in the Dryden area
- 1986 Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
Field Trip I The Wolf River Batholith and Baraboo interval (published as Field Trip Guide Book Number 12, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey)
Field Trip II Penokean deformation and metamorphism in central Wisconsin: volcanic rocks and gneisses (published as un-numbered Field Trip Guide Book of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey)
(compiler note: new reference designations were adopted to conform to ISSN standards in 1987)
- 1987 Wawa, Ontario
Part 1: *Abstracts
Part 2: *Geology of the Wawa area and gold mineralization
Part 3: *Geology and stratigraphy of the Michipicoten Iron-Formation
Part 4: *Geology of the Hemlo Deposit
Part 5: *The Kapuskasing Uplift: Archean greenstones and granulites
- 1988 Marquette, Michigan
Part 1: *Abstracts
Part 2:Field Trip Guidebooks
- An introduction to Archean geology and precious metal mineralization of the Marquette Greenstone Belt, Michigan
- Marquette mineral district of Michigan, mining history and geology
- A structural traverse across a part of the Penokean orogen illustrating Early Proterozoic overthrusting in northern Michigan
- 1989 Duluth, Minnesota
Part 1: Abstracts
Part 2: Field Trip Guidebook
- North Shore rhyolites, Minnesota
- Penokean Structural Terranes in east-central Minnesota
- Mellen Complex, Wisconsin
- Archean gold occurrences and their structural settings (Virginia Horn)
- 1990 Thunder Bay, Ontario
Part 1: Abstracts
Part 2: Field Trip Guidebook
- Mafic intrusions, PGE mineralization, and granitoid rocks of Lac des Illes area
- Geology of the Shebandowan and Quetico Archean subprovinces,
- Granitoid-related mineral deposits in the western Lake Superior region
- Base metal mineralization in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt)
- 1991 Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Part 1: *Abstracts
Part 2: *Field Trips
- Mountain Shear Zone-a post Penokean discrete ductile deformation zone
- Features and significance of the Precambrian-Cambrian contact in western Wisconsin
- Proterozoic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of NW Wisconsin
- 1992 Hurley, Wisconsin
Part 1: * Program and Abstracts
Part 2: * Field Trips
- Archean and Early Proterozoic geology of the Gogebic District
- Evolution of the Keweenawan sedimentary sequence
- Geology of the Keweenawan Supergroup at Porcupine Mountains
- Geology of the Great Lakes Tectonic Zone-Marquette area-a late Archean paleosuture
- 1993 Eveleth, Minnesota
Part 1: * Program and Abstracts
Part 2: * Field Trips:
- Geology and taconite mines of the Mesabi range
- DNR Core Library (Biwabik Iron Formation, Partridge River and South Kawishiwi intrusions, Regolith in Rotasonic cores-northern Minnesota)
- Geology of Archean greenstone-granite terrane: Cook-Side Lake area
- Duluth Complex at Duluth
- 1994 Houghton, Michigan
Part 1: * Program and Abstracts
Part 2: * Self-guided geological field trip to the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan (available from Dr. T.J. Bornhorst, 402 Emerald Street, Houghton, MI 49931-1413 (906-482-5507))
Part 3: Volcanic geology of eastern Isle Royale, Michigan
Part 4: * Michigan kimberlites and diamond exploration techniques
Part 5: * Lessons from mining case histories: West Menominee
Range, Michigan
- 1995 Marathon, Ontario
Part 1.* Program and Abstracts
Part 2: Field Trip Guidebooks (some may also be acquired from Ontario Geological Survey, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, Field Services Section, Suite B 002, 435 South James Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada, P7E6E3, Phone: 807-475-1331)
- 2a.* Alkalic rocks of the Midcontinent Rift
- 2b.* Geology and base metal deposits of the Manitouwadge Greenstone Belt
- 2c.* Geology of the Schreiber Greenstone assemblage and it
gold and base metal mineralization
- 2d. *Geology and gold deposits of the Hemlo area
- 2e.* Kimberlite, base metal, and gold exploration using overburden, Wawa area
- 1996 Cable, Wisconsin
Part 1: *Program and Abstracts
Part 2: *Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of northern Wisconsin: a commemorative volume (and guide for tour of Flambeau Mine, Field Trip #3)
Part 3: *Field Trip guidebook (#1 Glacial geology of northwestern Wisconsin, #2 Middle Proterozoic-Archean transect, #4 Early to Middle Proterozoic geology of the Lake Namekagon region, #5 Stratigraphy and structure of the Early Proterozoic Penokee Gap region)
- 1997 Sudbury, Ontario
Part 1: *Program and Abstracts
Part 2: *The Huronian Supergroup between Sault Ste. Marie and Elliot Lake
Part 3: *New Developments in Grenville Front Geology, Sudbury Area, Ontario
Part 4: *The Sudbury Structure with Emphasis on the Whitewater Group
Part 5: *Magmatic Ore Deposits of the Sudbury Igneous Complex
Part 6: *Alkalic rocks of the Sudbury Region
Part 7: *Regreening of Sudbury
Future Meeting Locations:
- 1998 Minneapolis, Minnesota