The Copper Harbor Conglomerate occurs on the SW sector of Isle Royale and has been studied by N K Huber, USGS OFR 754-B. Huber gives the following introductory comments:
The Copper Harbor Conglomerate, in its type area on the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan, was named and defined so as to include a thick sequence of sedimentary rocks, previously separated (in ascending order) into the Great, Middle, and Outer Conglomerates, with intervening lava flows, the Lake Shore Traps (Lane and Seaman, 1907, p. 690-691; Lane, 1911, p. 37-40). On the Keweenaw Peninsula, the Copper Harbor Conglomerate conformably overlies the Portage Lake Volcanics (middle Keweenawan), and locally the two formations interfinger (fig. 2; White and Wright, 1960). The Portage Lake Volcanics consists primarily of lava flows; minor sedimentary rocks, similar to those within the Copper Harbor Conglomerate, are intercalated between flows (hereafter referred to as interflow sedimentary rocks). The transition between the two formations reflects a gradual cessation of volcanic activity and the growing dominance of a sedimentary regime. The Copper Harbor Conglomerate is overlain by the Nonesuch Shale and Freda Sandstone (upper Keweenawan).
Approximately four-fifths of Isle Royale is underlain by volcanic flows and minor clastic rocks of the Portage Lake Volcanics, which dip 10°-20° to the southeast in the vicinity of their contact with the overlying Copper Harbor Conglomerate (Huber, 1973b,c). The Copper Harbor Conglomerate underlies the remaining one-fifth of Isle Royale and is confined to the southwestern part of the archipelago; it dips 5°-28° to the southeast. The contact between the Copper Harbor Conglomerate and the Portage Lake Volcanics appears to be conformable; the top of the Copper Harbor Conglomerate, however, is not exposed. If the Nonesuch Shale and other formations that overlie the Copper Harbor Conglomerate on the Keweenaw Peninsula are present in the Isle Royale area, they lie beneath Lake Superior to the southeast.
Consisting of fluvial subaerial sandstones, siltstones and conglomerates, The CHC shows transport directions that generally spill into the rift valley (see below). Huber gives many details of the CHC on Isle Royale in his OFR.