Copper Harbor Conglomerate
Copper Harbor Conglomerate
West of Houghton the bedrock is the great Copper Harbor Conglomerate, a massive sequence of rift filling redbeds which formed from the deeply rifted continent of Rodinia which was carried into the gaping rift valley by massive rivers and floods marked by alluvial fans. This great formation has lots of sedimentary structures within it, including mudcracks, channels, ripple marks, mudflow lobes, crossbedding, and many more. The roadcut exposure here is excellent for seeing a lot of variability.
Sedimentary Structures
Cross bedding, Bedforms, Paleocurrents
Sedimentology Photos from UCDavis
Sed Structures Page from Indiana
Question: Could the redbeds of the Keweenaw contain potential oil and gas resources?
Copper Harbor Conglomerate
name Copper Harbor Conglomerate
location West of Houghton, MI
KMZ download here
subjects fluvial sandstone, conglomerate, alluvial fan